
Archives: Speakers

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Davor Anicic

Business and Sales Development Manager for Data Science products. Since 2015 hands-on experience on successful cutting-edge AI implementations (based on Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing) in classifieds, marketplaces, and news such as ads categorization based on images and text, revolutionary visual search, recommending similar products and news articles or audience segmentation. In short – […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Adrian Daniel

Strategic Consulting, including business plan & sales strategy development, has been the focus of Adrian at RussMedia. He was project lead on a Drupal 7 e-commerce solution for digital and print subscription with responsibility of Development Lead, Scrum management and Project concept. He’s been managing portals’ development process and he is responsible for creating innovative […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Gerardo CabañasLejárraga

With a degree in Economics (Comillas University, ICADE) and Master in Business Administration (DEUSTO University), Gerardo is Managing Director at coches.com, one of the main Spanish automotive marketplaces. Leading the new car lead business in the country, coches.com also operates in the used car, lease and finance online markets. In the last months has launched […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Arun Manivannan

Arun Manivannan, Director of Sales & Strategic Alliances at ShieldSquare, has been helping business across the globe to protect their web/mobile assets from complex bot attacks. Arun, along with Jan Boesmans(Business Director, Chief Technical Officer at Zimmo.be) will share some thoughts on bot mitigation & how it can support Classifieds portals to prevent scraping of […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Kalmár Zoltán

Zoltan Kalmar, MBA is a co-founder of iroda.hu, a leading commercial real estate portal in the Hungarian market, founder of Office of the year, Proptech Hungary and several other events. After 10 years successfully sold the company to the leading real estate portal in Hungary, ingatlan.com. In the last 4 years he successfully merged his […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Gejza Nagy

Gejza Nagy is a co-founder at Luigi’s Box with over 10 years’ experience in e-commerce and conversion rate optimisation. Luigi’s Box is Site Search and Product Discovery Suite for e-commerce and currently is helping more than 150 e-commerce and enterprise businesses in 15 countries to improve their onsite search experience, including major e-commerce sites, marketplaces […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Boris Nad

Boris provides guidance and leadership to company managers on all technical issues. He has continuously been implementing projects that overall help the company and it’s end users, be it through technical innovation or system / network improvements.

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Géza Palocsay

Géza Palocsay, managing director of Schibsted Classified Media Hungary Kft., – which operates Jófogás and Használtautó.hu – started his career at the sales department of Sanoma Media Budapest Zrt., where for several years he had been responsible for the entire online sales strategy as the online advertising director of the publishing company, now called Centrál Media Group. […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Jean-Paul Diaz-Caneja

Jean-Paul Diaz-Caneja is a Marketing Manager at Job Today, Europe’s leading mobile hiring app that helps businesses find staff in 24 hours. Since launch in 2015, the company’s apps delivered over 100 million candidate applications. The company has attracted over four hundred thousand businesses to the platform as well as VC funding from world-class investors […]

December 13, 2021, Comment off

Eugen B. Russ

As MD at Russmedia and former CEO for erento.com, digital innovation is in the center of Eugen’s life – and so are marketplaces. He would describe himself as a digital marketplace and platform entrepreneur and enthusiast. In his free time, he cultivates a passion for skiing and cross-fit and is a frequent traveler.